Hibernal onion "Strigunovsky Mestny"
Hibernal onion "Strigunovsky Mestny".
Early maturing (78-90 days from germination to mass lodging and yellowing of leaves) variety.
Recommended for growing in a biennial crop from seeds. But it is also suitable for obtaining commercial bulbs in 1 year (through seedlings).
Sowing seeds in open ground is done in late April, early May, to a depth of 1.0-1.5 cm.
The shape of the bulb is round, with a slight taper up and down. The color of dry scales is yellow, sometimes with a pink or light gray tint in the neck area, juicy ones are white.
Small-nested, few-germ (2-3). Bulb weight is 45-80 g. The taste is sharp.
Stores very well.
Sowing pattern 10x5 cm. Marketable yield is 1.2-3.3 kg / m2.
Early maturing (78-90 days from germination to mass lodging and yellowing of leaves) variety.
Recommended for growing in a biennial crop from seeds. But it is also suitable for obtaining commercial bulbs in 1 year (through seedlings).
Sowing seeds in open ground is done in late April, early May, to a depth of 1.0-1.5 cm.
The shape of the bulb is round, with a slight taper up and down. The color of dry scales is yellow, sometimes with a pink or light gray tint in the neck area, juicy ones are white.
Small-nested, few-germ (2-3). Bulb weight is 45-80 g. The taste is sharp.
Stores very well.
Sowing pattern 10x5 cm. Marketable yield is 1.2-3.3 kg / m2.
Did you know that ... green onions can be prepared for future use.
To do this, peel and wash the green onions. The easiest way to freeze onions is to cut them into 5-10 mm pieces and blanch them in water for half a minute, then pack them tightly into molds and freeze. Chop off the required amount from the total briquette as needed to season soups and hot dishes.
You can defrost frozen onions in a frying pan with a small amount of fat. The shelf life of frozen green onions is 6 months. You can freeze green onions grown from bulbs of any variety.